
发表者 Hushlight 0 评论
Tap(www.tap.cn) 是一个新型的免费自助建站工具,它可以创建并管理包括网站在内的各种网络应用。易用、专业、高效的 Tap 能让您轻松摆脱建站过程中技术对创造力的制约。拥有极高自由度的Tap能够快速提升您的建站热情。Tap为不同用户的需求配备了完美的个性化解决方案, Tap 始终致力于将网站建设这一互联网核心应用普及大众。

Crash Dump on window 7

发表者 Hushlight 0 评论
Windows 7 systems that were configured to generate crash dumps were crashing but not leaving behind a dump file. After having ruled out the usual reasons such as too small of a paging file or not enough disk space to save the dump, there was definitely something strange going on.

What we discovered is that a new policy has been added to Windows when it comes to crash dump file retention. Apparently, certain customers are complaining about the amount of disk space that crash dump files consume and don't want them saved anymore (we're sure they'll regret this decision in the future if their systems ever crash). In order to address this issue, a new set of criteria has been created that determines whether or not Windows saves a crash dump file.

The new criteria are as follows:

1) If the machine is running a server version of the O/S, the crash dump is always saved.

2) If the machine is joined to a domain, the crash dump is always saved.

3) If the amount of free space on the disk is greater than or equal to 25GB, the crash dump is saved.

Otherwise, the crash dump file will not be saved and you'll be left scratching your head. Luckily, a new registry value has been added that will override this behavior and always cause the crash dump file to be generated. By setting the \HKLM\System\CCS\Control\CrashControl\AlwaysKeepMemoryDump DWORD value to 1 you will guarantee that you will always have a crash dump file after crashing the system.
This page describe command line options that are available when you launch VMware Workstation. There are two methods to operate virtual machines via command line, vmrun application or vmware itself.
VMRUN Application

VMware Workstation includes a separate application, vmrun. To launch the vmrun application, from the command prompt, enter:

vmrun COMMAND Parameters[]

Valid vmrun commands and options are described in the following :
Command Parameters Description
list list all running VMs
start path to vmx or vmtm file start a VM or Team
stop path to vmx or vmtm file stop a VM or Team
reset path to vmx or vmtm file reset a VM or Team
suspend path to vmx or vmtm file suspend a VM or Team
upgradevm path to vmx Upgrade a virtual machine to the current Workstation version
installtools Path to vmx file Install Tools in Guest OS
listSnapshots Path to vmx file List all snapshots in a VM
snapshot Path to vmx file Create a snapshot of a VM
deleteSnapshot Path to vmx file Remove a snapshot from a VM Snapshot name
revertToSnapshot Path to vmx file Set VM state to a snapshot


to start a virtual machine
vmrun start c:\My Virtual Machines\.vmx

With virtual machines that require input through a VMware Workstation dialog box, vmrun may time out and fail. To disable Workstation dialog boxes, insert the following line into the .vmx configuration file for a virtual machine:

msg.autoAnswer = TRUE

VMware -x -X -q -s = -v / / .virtual machinex
Option Description
-x Automatically powers on the virtual machine when VMware Workstation starts
-X Automatically powers on the virtual machine, then switches the VMware Workstation window to full screen mode
-q Closes the virtual machine's tab when the virtual machine powers off. If no other virtual machine is open, it also exits VMware Workstation. This is particularly useful when the guest operating system is capable of powering off the virtual machine
-s Sets the specified variable to the specified value. Any variable names and values that are valid in the configuration file may be specified on the command line with the -s switch
-v Displays the product name, version and build number
//.vmx Launches a virtual machine using the specified configuration file

launches the Windows Me virtual machine specified, powers it on automatically and switches to full screen mode
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\Programs\VMware.exe -X C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Virtual Machines\Windows Me\Windows Me.vmx"
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3.


不同的主板可能不太一样,比如我的是从RAID/AHCI -> RAID/SATA就好了


Windows Server 2003默认情况下是没有安装POP3和SMTP服务组件的,因此我们要手工添加。


以系统管理员身份登录Windows Server 2003 系统。依次进入“控制面板→添加或删除程序→添加/删除Windows组件”,在弹出的“Windows组件向导”对话框中选中“电子邮件服务”选项,点击“详细信息”按钮,可以看到该选项包括两部分内容:POP3服务和POP3服务Web管理。为方便用户远程Web方式管理邮件服务器,建议选中 “POP3服务Web管理”。


选中“应用程序服务器”选项,点击“详细信息”按钮,接着在“Internet信息服务(IIS)”选项中查看详细信息,选中“SMTP Service”选项,最后点击“确定”按钮。此外,如果用户需要对邮件服务器进行远程Web管理,一定要选中“万维网服务”中的“远程管理(HTML)”组件。完成以上设置后,点击“下一步”按钮,系统就开始安装配置POP3和SMTP服务了。



点击“开始→管理工具→POP3服务”,弹出POP3服务控制台窗口。选中左栏中的POP3服务后,点击右栏中的“新域”,弹出“添加域”对话框,接着在 “域名”栏中输入邮件服务器的域名,也就是邮件地址“@”后面的部分,如“rtj.net”,最后点击“确定”按钮。其中“rtj.net”为在 Internet上注册的域名,并且该域名在DNS服务器中设置了MX邮件交换记录,解析到Windows Server 2003邮件服务器IP地址上。




完成POP3服务器的配置后,就可开始配置SMTP服务器了。点击“开始→程序→管理工具→Internet信息服务(IIS)管理器”,在“IIS管理器”窗口中右键点击“默认SMTP虚拟服务器”选项,在弹出的菜单中选中“属性”,进入“默认SMTP虚拟服务器”窗口,切换到“常规”标签页,在“IP 地址”下拉列表框中选中邮件服务器的IP地址即可。点击“确定”按钮,这样一个简单的邮件服务器就架设完成了。



Windows Server 2003还支持对邮件服务器的远程Web管理。在远端客户机中,运行IE浏览器,在地址栏中输入“https://服务器IP地址:8098”,将会弹出连接对话框,输入管理员用户名和密码,点击“确定”按钮,即可登录Web管理界面。


其中“rtj.net”为在 Internet上注册的域名,并且该域名在DNS服务器中设置了MX邮件交换记录,解析到Windows Server 2003邮件服务器IP地址上。

DIR | FIND "free"

解决:在Calendar里面勾选Calendar in Archive folders

问题2:Outlook 常年处于离线状态,从自动收信变为手动收信>_<
1. Click the View menu and make sure there is a check mark next to Status Bar
2. Click on the word Offline in the very bottom right-hand corner of the Outlook window
3. When the menu appears, click once on Work Offline to remove the check mark (see picture)

4. After a few seconds your mailbox should be up-to-date


发表者 Hushlight 0 评论
在windows自带的perfmon的add counters里面,performance选 system,下面选System up time
System Up Time is the elapsed time (in seconds) that the computer has been running since it was last started. This counter displays the difference between the start time and the current time.

systeminfo | find /i "up time"

当然后面的 “up time”随系统语言设置变化也要变,不嫌列表太长的光输入systeminfo也行。。。难怪我开始在中文系统上怎么都找不到。。

Slmgr.vbs –rearm

如果有VMware snapshot,只要在重启前输入这个指令就好了。
